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The Online Journalism Handbook, Bradshaw & Rohumma

According to Bradshaw and Rohumma, online journalism is the use of the internet and online platforms for journalists to share their work. It is the use of multimedia such as hyperlinks, pictures, video and audio content to help enrich their work. Online journalism can also be used to share content with anyone around the world in real-time, such as through the use of live blogging, which also incorporates multimedia. (2011, P.30)

Online journalists should have a strong knowledge of things such as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), states Bradshaw and Rohumma. Knowledge of such then allows journalists to create content tailored for the web, and apply techniques that they know will get their content seen more. SEO techniques include the use of key words and tagging, in order to get content more likely to be seen when certain words and phrases are searched for online. Tagging is particularly useful during real-time reporting, as it means whenever a specific phrase or word in relation to a live event is searched for, it increases the chances of the content being seen. (2011, P.33-37)

Hyperlinks are also an excellent tool to utilize in online journalism, according to Bradshaw and Rohumma. Unlike print journalism, where extra detail and facts must be included for the readers, in online journalism a writer may include a hyperlink to another story or source rather than having to go into great depth in a subject. This is particularly helpful in keeping word counts shorter for online content; keeping content short online is much better, as it improves the scannability of the content, as when we consume content online we tend to prefer to scan it rather than reading in full, so too much text can put of viewers. (2011, P.37-38)

P, Bradshaw. L, Rohumma. The Online Journalism Handbook: Skills To Survive And Thrive In The Digital Age. Harlow:Longman

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